Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Phone and Texting!

Over the past few days, I have been browsing the phones because we were recently up for phone upgrades. I really needed a new phone because I *blush* let my old phone run through the washer and so now the music player and camera don't work, and somehow it developed a large crack in the screen. So, it really was time for an upgrade. Last night, we went to the T-Mobile in Ridgedale Mall (Ben works there and helped us pick our phones and checked us out). And I got the cutest phone ever! Here's a picture, but it's actually cuter in person.

And it also slides to reveal a full Qwerty (no idea what that means) :p like this:

And it has a camera and a music player!

Now, for some VERY exciting news. I HAVE TEXTING! It's so fun to put that adorable tiny keyboard to work! My daddy was so sweet. He saw that this was the phone that I wanted, but I had to have unlimited texting until the rebate came back. He had already had the $5 a month texting, and I was planning on getting that, too. So, he just upgraded our plan so that the whole family has unlimited texting! Isn't he super nice? I love you, Daddy!

So, if you like texting, send me one! I'm also planning on sending pics of Gideon to friends and family :)


Wordgirl said...

That's a very cute phone!!! I can't wait to see it. And YOU, on TUESDAY!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!

Check the gate! Watch yourself! Check the gate! Show 'em what you got! Check the gate! Watch yourself! Check the gate! Show 'em what you got! And check.

katie said...

Thanks! I know, I'm super excited!!!!

p.s. I saw the post of your chickies and tried to comment but my computer wouldn't let me :(

katie said...

p.p.s I meant I'm excited for Tuesday...That last comment sounded wierd...

Wordgirl said...

I understand it. :)

Oh – 'QWERTY' are the first six letters on most keyboards. There is another version of keyboards, but most are QWERTY.

katie said...

aha! Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that :p

Allie said...

I want a cute phone!!!
