Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Father's Day (a little late, I know)

For Father's Day this year, Allie saw on a blog the idea to take pictures like these and put them in a three-picture frame. We took so many pictures, but here are the ones that we finally chose to put in the frame:

t was so fun and easy, and Daddy loved it! I think Allie bought the frame at Wal-Mart. Anyway, I always have a hard time coming up with a meaningful gift for my dad, and this is a really fun idea! I hope others try it. It was great.


Wordgirl said...

I love that idea! Who took the photos? They're so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Love it!


katie said...

Thanks, guys!

Allie just pointed out to me that the one of Keith that we used in the frame isn't actually the one I posted--oops!