I love this little girl so much. At the moment, she doesn't feel well. She came down with some sort of bug that was cycling through our house. Actually, she got a fever on her birthday, the 30th! But, she is still cheerful.
She is the best pretender of our whole family. Ever since she was 2 she has been able to play, whether she had someone with her or not. She finds things to play that don't require any toys, just imagination. When she started kindergarten, she was only 4. She wanted to do school with all the big kids, but she really wasn't very ready right at that point, because instead of doing her seat work, she would go to the bathroom at 9:00 and not return until lunch, when we called her. Of course, she wasn't in the bathroom all that time, she was playing!
She also loves to sing, and has a very pretty voice. She loves purses, wallets, jewelry and such, but loses them frequently. (I think she's gotten a lot better with this, though.)
She has also always been a pretty big mess-maker. Always. When you walked in the room, you knew that Amy had been there if it looked like a tornado had blown through that part of the house, even when she was still in diapers.
She is also very bright. She will think about things until she figures them out. She is an excellent reader and is also a very talented artist.
But most important, she loves Jesus. A couple years ago she made up songs about Jesus and typed them up, printed them out, and hung them up. She sings worship songs at church, in her room, while she's doing chores, etc. And she has a very tender heart.
I love you, Boo Baby, SOOOO much!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Amy! I love you so much! God Bless you!
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